Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 4 :)

So I weighed in today and I've lost 5 pounds in 4 days :) I'm sure that most of that is water weight because I'm in and out of the bathroom like it has a revolving door lol. Juicing makes me feel like I have so much more control over my life, my weight, and my health. I'm so glad I saw "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." Check it out if you have a chance, it has changed my life :)

Day 4 has gone really well so far, a big glass of fruit juice and another big glass of Green juice with spinach and a couple leaves of kale, 2 apples and 3 carrots for lunch. Gonna make a batch of cucumber melon to take back to work with me.

Short post today, I don't have much time. Would just like to remind everyone reading this of the link I posted yesterday for the award winning documentary "Farm to Fridge", which goes behind the scenes of America's factory farms. A lot of people aren't aware of what is going on, because the meat industry doesn't want anyone to know. I feel like everyone deserves the right to know what they are putting on their plates and in their mouths, and to make their decisions accordingly. I am not telling everyone to go vegetarian, I am just saying that if we consume less meat as a population, the demand for it will go down, and maybe we can put a few of these horrible places out of business. Every animal counts!!!

 Please take 15 minutes to watch this video (I know we all have busy lives, but this is important, not just to our health, but to our environment, and especially to all of these animals that are tortured and killed simply to end up on a dinner plate. This can be avoided. One person can make a huge difference!) and share it on your Facebook, blog, or any other page you might have. I'll be posting it periodically so everyone gets a chance to see it. Here is the link:

Thank you, and happy juicing!!
Daisy <3

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 3 (a little information about factory farms)

So I've made it to day 3 :)
I'm still feeling a little tired, and I have a headache, but other than that I feel fine.
I can actually FEEL myself becoming clean from the inside out.
I did eat a small bowl of fresh tomato soup last night after class. I was craving something warm, and I followed it up with a large glass of fruit juice for desert (apple, pineapple, and grape)

Today I slept in fairly late. It's my only true day off so I wanted to spend it resting as much as possible.
Drinking a glass of Apple, pineapple, honeydew melon, kiwi and orange for my breakfast, but i'll make it to the Mean Green in a couple of hours.

I've decided to replace the kale in my Mean Green with spinach, which has a much milder flavor. I just can't stomach the taste of kale. I find myself feeling sick to my stomach by the end of a big glass, and I have to chug it just to get through it.  I'll be adding it back in a leaf at a time as my fast progresses, because I know it's good for me, and that my body needs all of the nutrients it provides.

Weighing in tomorrow! I'll be posting my weight when I get off of work tomorrow evening. Hopefully I've lost at least a little. I FEEL smaller, less bloated, and lighter, so that has to be a good sign :)

So I've been looking into natural ways to make my hair healthier. I've always had problems with dry, frizzy, weak hair, and I don't want to spend my entire paycheck to make it healthy again. I found a really helpful website that lists 20 natural products that can make your hair healthy and happy. I plan on using at least one of them in my shower tonight :)

I don't have much to rant and rave about today. I hope you're all having a wonderful Friday the 13th (lol)

feedlot waste lagoon (blood and feces, gross!!)

Have you ever seen a behind the scenes video of the factory farms that produce more than 80% of this country's meat, eggs, and milk? Here are a few links that can show you what you're eating. (this one brought me to tears, and almost to vomit, please watch this if you care about animals and believe that no animal, farm animal or otherwise, should undergo a lifetime worth of pain and suffering. Everyone deserves to live happy and free) (this one was particularly disturbing) (this one is a little more in-depth)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 2 :)

I feel a little clogged up today, sort of tired. The detox isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but maybe there's more to come, that would be my luck haha.

I added a "followers" widget, I didn't even realize that there wasn't one already on my page. Now you can all follow me on Blogger :)

I really enjoyed the comments on my last post. I'm not hating on meat eaters, hell, I love meat, but I think there should be some moderation when it comes to eating it. I love documentaries, and I saw one a while back that had footage from a factory farm that made me want to cry. Tiny baby chickens stuffed on a conveyor belt, being picked up one by one, having their beaks trimmed without pain killers, and being thrown back onto the line. Females chicks grow up to be pumped full of hormones to make them lay an unnatural amount of eggs, and males shipped off to become food for other animals, because factory farms see them as "useless".

It's all just really sad. Today's society doesn't value the lives of farm animals (or any other animals, for that matter). There is no regulations on farm animals when it comes to the Animal Rights Bill. They are slaughtered in the cheapest way possible, kept in disgusting conditions. Even the "free range" conditions are bullshit. They slap stickers on the packages to make people believe that what they are buying is better. "Organic" just means that they haven't had contact with any chemicals, not that they lived their lives happy, with lots of good food and sunshine.

Of course, these days, big corporations will step on anyone they have to just to turn a profit. My point with all if this though, is that if everyone ate meat just a couple of nights a week, the demand for it would go down, and maybe we could save the lives of thousands (or more) farm animals.

Pineapple Orange juice for breakfast this morning. I can not begin to explain how heavenly it is. After the bitter taste of Mean Green, it's better than chocolate.  I'm learning to appreciate the taste and benefit of natural foods. I feel so....clean...and it's only been 2 days! Like I said, though, I had been replacing coffee and sweets with fruit juice for about  a week or so before my fast started.

The boyfriend is getting into the action, too. He won't juice fast, no way, no how, but he has embraced juicing and is loving trying all of the different combinations the produce section has to offer! This has been such a amazing opportunity for us to bond over getting healthy together. He isn't overweight by any means, but he works a very laborious job, so a big glass of fruit juice for breakfast in the morning gives him lots of energy :)

Well, I've been typing for a while now, and it's probably time I get off my lazy butt and do some dishes lol. I want to go get my horrendous eyebrows waxed today, and I have homework to get turned in before class tonight. I'll be back later :)

Much love, and happy juicing :)
Daisy <3

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Green Goblin (haha)....The Problem With Society...

Think I may have overdone it on the cilantro in my first Mean Green juice of the day. It was very...mexican-y lol. Gonna add some extra kale and apple to the leftovers in a few hours. feeling...tired. Drinking lots and lots of water to keep myself hydrated properly.

Posted a status on Facebook announcing the first day of my juice f(e)ast, and got a lot of comments about how it doesn't sound safe, and how it sounds like i'm starving myself to get skinny. This has made me realize the lack of education on the importance of all natural plant foods as a large part of a daily diet.

Waaaaaaay back in the day, people gathered plant foods and used them as the majority of their diet. Hunting became necessary only in winter months, when plant foods were not as bountiful. People turned to killing animals and using the meat to nourish themselves during the coldest part of the year.

These days meat products aren't even all that necessary, to be honest. We have a large variety of fruits and veggies available to us all throughout the year, but we CHOOSE to eat processed foods and meat products, simply because they taste better,and through time we have evolved to believe these foods are necessary to keep us alive.

The truth is, we can get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need from fruits, veggies, and other micro-nutrient foods like beans, seeds, and nuts.

Food is split up into two categories:
Micro nutrient foods include fruits, veggies, beans, seeds, nuts and legumes,
and macro nutrient foods are eeeeeeeverything else. meat, sugar, processed foods and so on.

Macro nutrient foods are not necessary, and they are killing our environment due to the amounts of them we are eating every day as a society.

Thousands of pounds of livestock feces are dumped into our lakes, rivers, and streams every day because there is simply nothing else to do with them (there is however, proof that cow manure is an efficient substitute for petroleum products as use for energy, which, in my opinion, could help our environment IMMENSELY)

My point is, we, as a society ARE EATING TOO MUCH CRAP. We are overfed and under-nourished.
What I am attempting to do with this cleanse is to get back to basics, simple foods rich in the nutrients that our bodies crave.

Thank You, and Happy Juicing :)
Daisy <3

...aaaaand...they're back...Day 1 of my 60 day Juice Fast Challenge.

All of a sudden my reading list popped up again lol. Thank god! *whew!*
Thank you Launna, for your very sweet and insightful comment, I have replied to it under the "wishing and dreaming..." post :)

Let me start my first day of this juice cleanse off with a little bit about myself:

I have struggled with my weight, and disordered eating ever since I can remember, skipping meals, and days worth of meals, binge eating when I was depressed. In high school my weight struggles got worse. I dropped a significant amount of weight (70 lbs or so, I'm not sure what I started out at, but I was rather skinny) through starving, purging, diet pills, laxatives, and counting every calorie. The idea behind my juice fast is to take the guesswork out of weight loss, and form a healthy habit (that will hopefully be lifelong ) that will keep me from falling back into the destructive pattern I have created for myself. The journey is not just about getting skinny, it is about becoming healthy, mind, body, and soul.

I have to get up every morning, look at myself in the mirror, right into my own eyes, and convince myself that I am beautiful, worthwhile, and that all of the love and affection that I receive from family and friends is not misplaced.

I AM going to learn to love and accept myself for who I am, and what I look like. It will not be easy. I have programmed myself to hate my body, to constantly wish for thinner thighs, or a smaller waist.

TODAY this endless chain of self-hatred and self destruction STOPS.

Starting off Day 1 with a simple mixture of apple, grape, and yellow peach, it's heavenly <3
Heading to the supermarket soon to pick up supplies for the mean green, which will be the juice that I consume the largest amount of (3 to 4 times a day)

Will post again later, or maybe tomorrow depending on how busy the day gets :)
Happy Juicing :)
Daisy <3

What happened?!?!?!?

I woke up this morning, and all of the blogs I'd been following, every single one of them...was gone...I don't know how to get them back!

Well....this sucks :(

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wishing, and Hoping, and Planning, and Dreaming...

Between work, school, and planning a wedding I have barely had the time to think. I am anxious and excited about tomorrow. I just keep whole life is going to change. I am going to make it through the next 60 days if it kills me.

I will try to post regularly throughout the next couple of months, at least once every couple of days, if only to keep myself motivated and remind myself why I'm doing this in the first place. I will NOT start off my married life feeling like I'm in a fat suit I can't take off. I will be confident in myself one day. I will wash away the grit and grime of the last 3 years, the feeling that I'm not good enough, the nagging paranoia that keeps me from getting too close to anyone, the inability to voice my opinions and ideas because I am stuck in this corner, gagged with self consciousness. Every day I fight the desire to climb into the largest t-shirt I own, crawl into my bed, pull the covers over my head, and sleep through the depression that seems to be crushing me from all sides, like a room with walls that keep pushing inward, keeping me from breathing. I have to beat this. I have to pull myself out of this without the help of pharmaceuticals that will do nothing more than turn me into a slobbering drone. I have to keep this image in my mind of me dancing on my wedding day in a flowing white dress with no embarrassment for who I am or what I look like....just me...beautiful and confident and becoming the person that I know I can be.

On a slightly brighter note, in my always-preset effort to save money, I am coming up with some great, crafty ideas for DIY wedding favors, flower girl dresses, decorations, and more :)

After doing some internet and super-center research, I found that most flower girl dresses run between 10 and 20 dollars a piece, and that's for the cheaper ones. With 10 flower girls in my wedding (both myself and my husband-to-be have very fertile siblings) I can't afford to spend 100 (or more) dollars on dresses for one occasion. I found a very inspiring tutorial on how to make my own flower girl dresses out of pillowcases! They are unbelievably adorable, and with material costs I should be able to get out for less than 60 bucks! Every dollar counts when you're on a budget as tight as mine lol.

This is the picture that the woman who wrote the tutorial posted. I will be using a bright turquoise fabric instead of the brown, and the best part is that I won't have to worry about sizing them (all of our nieces live fairly far away). I am pairing them with daisy headbands (for a bohemian/hippie look) and DIY flower girl baskets wrapped in ribbon.

We will be making our own flower crowns for myself and my bridesmaids, and since the wedding will take place right on the beach, I figured we could follow my hippie theme and skip the shoes.

I really liked the idea of doing the wedding altar with old wooden ladders, but I'm between that, and using pieces of wood to create the same effect. Instead of flower pots, I'm thinking bolts of turquoise and white mesh wrapped around the pillars.

 we have a large collection of wine and alcohol bottles that I thought would make cute candle holders and lights, a cheap alternative to renting large amounts of fancy candle holders :)

 We are renting a beach house, and plan to do the reception under and around it, and light it up with twinkly lights to create a romantic feel, hanging them from every available spot, and lighting up the tables where we'll be serving food and drinks :)

 I'm planning on making cookies with turquoise m&m's from our local candy store, and peanut butter chips, wrapping them in CD sleeves, and printing out cute little labels for them to give away as wedding favors.

 Since we're doing an outdoor wedding at the beach, complete with a bonfire (or two...maybe lol) we thought it would be a cute idea to individually wrap some s'mores ingredients with cellophane for the kiddos (and the rest of us!) and laying them out on the food service table.

 We thought it would be a cute idea to create a "circle of love" instead of the traditional rows of chairs for our intimate ceremony (we've narrowed it down to 35 guests from nearly 100 to save money and keep everything small and simple, only the people we really feel passionate about sharing our special day with)

  These are a couple of the wedding dresses that I thought would tie in with my bohemian theme. Aren't they beautiful? lol.

I'm a huge Beatles fan,and a believer in the fact that all you need is love,  so instead of opting for the traditional gold band I found this lovely sterling silver band for less than 30 dollars :)

I have been debating with myself on whether or not to post my "before" pictures before the fast. I am so embarrassed to show my disgusting body so publicly. I will definitely have a set of "before and after" shots in 60 days...but I'm not sure I'm ready to put myself out there like that...

Ok, I guess that's enough blabbing for tonight. I have a big day tomorrow :) I'll be back tomorrow night to let you know how my first day of juice fasting went. Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" if you get a chance :) Maybe it will inspire you to take up juicing. I can tell you now that I have noticed a change already, just switching a juice for coffee and desert the past week and a half.

Wish me luck haha
Happy juicing :)

Daisy <3