Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Green Goblin (haha)....The Problem With Society...

Think I may have overdone it on the cilantro in my first Mean Green juice of the day. It was very...mexican-y lol. Gonna add some extra kale and apple to the leftovers in a few hours. feeling...tired. Drinking lots and lots of water to keep myself hydrated properly.

Posted a status on Facebook announcing the first day of my juice f(e)ast, and got a lot of comments about how it doesn't sound safe, and how it sounds like i'm starving myself to get skinny. This has made me realize the lack of education on the importance of all natural plant foods as a large part of a daily diet.

Waaaaaaay back in the day, people gathered plant foods and used them as the majority of their diet. Hunting became necessary only in winter months, when plant foods were not as bountiful. People turned to killing animals and using the meat to nourish themselves during the coldest part of the year.

These days meat products aren't even all that necessary, to be honest. We have a large variety of fruits and veggies available to us all throughout the year, but we CHOOSE to eat processed foods and meat products, simply because they taste better,and through time we have evolved to believe these foods are necessary to keep us alive.

The truth is, we can get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need from fruits, veggies, and other micro-nutrient foods like beans, seeds, and nuts.

Food is split up into two categories:
Micro nutrient foods include fruits, veggies, beans, seeds, nuts and legumes,
and macro nutrient foods are eeeeeeeverything else. meat, sugar, processed foods and so on.

Macro nutrient foods are not necessary, and they are killing our environment due to the amounts of them we are eating every day as a society.

Thousands of pounds of livestock feces are dumped into our lakes, rivers, and streams every day because there is simply nothing else to do with them (there is however, proof that cow manure is an efficient substitute for petroleum products as use for energy, which, in my opinion, could help our environment IMMENSELY)

My point is, we, as a society ARE EATING TOO MUCH CRAP. We are overfed and under-nourished.
What I am attempting to do with this cleanse is to get back to basics, simple foods rich in the nutrients that our bodies crave.

Thank You, and Happy Juicing :)
Daisy <3


  1. Yes Daisy, I agree we are over fed and under nourished... I believe in moderation in all things... I do not think there is anything wrong with being a vegetarian... many people love that way of life. I support that way of eating and respect the person... I will always eat a little meat and I do eat some carbs... I am all about healthy moderation :) Good luck with your juicing :)

    1. I'm not vegetarian either lol. It is a very respectable way to live, to keep my body free and clean of animal products is a goal I hope to achieve one day, though. I live in texas, where BBQ is the norm and everyone loves steak and country food, I am trying to pull away from that though :)
      you're very right! It isn't about perfection, it is about moderation :)
      thank you so much for all of your support, it means the world to me!
      lots of love
      daisy <3

  2. I really liked this post. Since starting strength training, I've really been more into clean eating (although not always sigh) and I just feel like a better, cleaner, different person when I eat like that versus the other. I also don't crave sweets like I used to. So true. :D Also, I followed your old blog, I think, but maybe you could add a follow widget on here?

    1. I can definitely understand that, I have been struggling to eat cleaner, and be healthier for a long time now, this fast is to help me stay on track :) thank you for your support!
      daisy <3
